I spent hours today working on final project for PhotoJ3 class. It was several separate pages. When I put them all in a folder & tried to open it my computer crashes. I’m thinking “no way, that didn’t just happen.” So I try again and my computer crashes again. I try opening the folder a different way. Crash. All that work trapped. >:[
I try to run a malware program but it won’t go in the
folder. I had no idea what to do so I right click on the folder and read the
options… again… in desperation.
Finally tried search in the folder, not open. Search finds them so I moved them from search to desk top. Okay, so I won I beat the crash-inducing-folder. I create a new folder to put my work in and try to open it and it crashed the computer again. >:[
Finally I decided “no more folders” and just saved my work individually on my memory card. I will live with it not being organized. I can open the work.
Oh & the best part: when the computer was crashing Boo
came over & needed to be held. He calmed me down before I knew I was
panicking. He’s a great service dog!