Sunday, November 16, 2014

Getting worse to get better?

Readers know that long before I moved I went to the doctor about a sinus infection. The doctor said he didn't see anything and wouldn't Rx me anything.
Well, my nose was swollen closed then and since and until the doctor I see now gave me antibiotics I hadn't smelled anything. So my first time smelling in years was an odd sensation.
Anyway, now I'm on my third and last round of antibiotics unless I see the doctor. Who knows what will be the result of 3xs not working completely, but it has worked a lot.
I can breath/smell thru my nose some of the time.
The pain in my face is not as much, but by a little(I still have broken teeth and exposed nerve, so there is that).
I have been in bed sick with each round of antibiotics, feeling worse than I did before I took anything. I feel like I am in the middle of having a sever case of the flu.
Funny how I felt that way often during the summer...
Anyway each round of antibiotics the "flu" feelings were less (except for a while today when this time I threw up).
I have a few sores that have come up crusty topped and when I'm on antibiotics they are bigger and worse. Between antibiotics they almost disappear.
So I go looking up my symptoms and get Herxheimer Reaction.
I've always said I never wanted to do a detox because I never wanted to go through some of the things I know it would bring out (like 2nd degree sunburn, sun poisoning or when I spilled bug repellent oil all over my arm or the bronchitis/penumbra episodes I've had, ect.) but apparently I have inadvertently had a slight detox the last few weeks.
No wonder I have been telling people to just shoot me. =P

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What causes Fibro? 
They think its a genetic marker that sometimes is set off by trauma or illness. 
Trauma is the trigger
There are 3 major theories that I can find about what Fibro is: 
1) Inflammation
2) too many nerves in the hands and feet firing pain signals
3) brain damage (too much blood flow in pain receptors, too little flow in pain stoppers and as a bonus the cover of the brain is deteriorated so that causes fog and fatigue.
They know these 3 things happen, but no idea which if any are the cause and which are the results.
Or door #4 and none are the cause and all are the symptoms of something they haven't found yet.
Fibro cant be cured. Period.
Try to have a good wait, excellent healthy diet! That and voiding triggers is the best prevention of flares. 
There are treatments for symptoms but no cure. The doctors are just now starting to believe it exists and starting to research what might cause it, which remains unknown so far.
Oh and vitamins and supplements and such are a must! Vitamin D3 & Melatonian for better sleep. Catnip tea also helps with sleep. So does Valerian Root. 
Peppermint for brain clarity,
vitamin E for cramps & spasms.
The aloe plant (in capsules, not aloe juice) really helps.
Vitamin C and garlic gel caps to keep you from catching sick.
Avoid caffeine, soda drinks and coffee, because they make pain worse.
So does processed foods.
Avoid smoking because its been proven to cause depression and increase pain levels.
Eat fresh fruit and veggies. Eat cabbage raw (slaw) every day.
Sometimes exercise helps, sometimes it makes it worse. Sometimes you have to just stretch and let it go at that.
Hot baths or showers help some people, while ice packs help others.
Avoid refined sugar.
Avoid gluten to see if that is a problem.
Avoid overdoing it.
Get a good counselor.
Get a good support system/friends & family. Educate you and them on what Fibro really is and how it effects you.
Use EVOO not crisco, lard or vegetable oil. Use sparingly. Eat raw veggies often as possible.
And drink lots of water! Pure fresh water, not water from the tap with chemicals added. Just not over the recommended limit.
Drink extra water after chiro!
Avoid like the plague aspartame and saccharine! AVOID

Creatine helps my muscles not be sore.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

I hate...

I hate my body. Not because I'm fat ( that doesn't help though) but because I feel 80 years old inside. 

People who don't have chronic pain, who have no idea how to even understand chronic pain can (does) look at me and think I'm faking.

I don't understand why anyone would want to fake being disabled. Why would any healthy person want to miss out on everything?! 

There is so much I want to do, so much I want to try, so much I want to be a success at and it's a win if I get a shower and comb my own hair in one day. 

Friday, April 18, 2014

About my ailments

About my ailments...

I have Fibromyalgia, Severe Fatigue, Asthma, Arthritis, & Degenerative Disc Disease, and PTSD, Severe Anxiety & Depression. That's not all, but it will do for this post.
Pain and anxiety are the same to the brain cells. I am in a lot of pain and stress. Always. 
This week has  been especially tough for several reasons.
I can't afford $700 a month for meds when I don't have $7 to my name.
Even if I was able to work (which I'm not) I wouldn't even come close to making that kind of money. 
My doctors in Kansas had just got my meds worked out so that I was able to do small daily things without needing a nap and I lost government grants for school...
which meant I lost school, my home and everything. So I end up having to move and start over trying to get help with my medicines again. I don't have help yet. 
So I don't have pain meds. So I'm being slammed with pain that previously had gradually gotten so bad I was bedridden, well here it is in a wall of force hitting me now.  
Now that I've tasted a bit of relief, the pain is all back full force.
And it's going to rain. I can feel it. It doesn't feel good. 
I hurt all over like the flu. My hands feel stiff and thick. They don't work well. They cramp. 
I can't see clearly when I first wake up. 
My legs and feet feel asleep if they get still. My legs jerk and cramp. I can't depend on them to hold me up. 
My feet and hands burn like they were scalded. 

Then there's stress, anxiety, and depression....
My cousin died. We were close. 
And there's no easy way to say this, but my some of my family just plain out acts white trash crazy. Even in public! 

So I think I have had every ailment I have triggered this week. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

My service dog's job


 Wherever I go, BooRadley will be there.

That means stores, restaurants, churches, homes and yes, the funeral home.

 He is my Service Dog.

 He is not there to be your entertainment, to be talked to, touched or petted. He is there to work.

 You don't need to know his job or understand it.

 Just because I may allow you to talk to and pet him does not mean that is what he's there for. (And God bless the people who ask first because otherwise it's as jarring and invasive at times as grabbing a person's blind cane or person's prosthetic!)

He loves people and I understand people are drawn to him, but he is as much a service dog as a seeing eye dog.

 Respect that.

 Now that I've said that, I want you to know that while he is trained to do a job, he is human (so to so to speak) and he may need you to back off and don't distract him.

 Let him work when I am at the funeral home.

 If I sound harsh, well, I'm trying to deal with the loss of my cousin. As an only child, my cousins mean a lot to me. I don't know what having a brother or sister feels like except maybe how I feel about my cousins.

 Boo has an enormous job ahead of him the next few days. This may be his biggest job challenge yet.

If he makes a mistake, don't say he is not doing his job at all. Or that he isn't a service dog. Maybe feel sympathy for him and add him to your prayers.

 Thank you.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Doctors can see fatigue!

My fibro doesn't just come with pain, but it also hits me with fatigue. Overwhelming, crashing, punishing, slamming.... (You get the idea) fatigue. Now there is proof it's not all emotional(depression) but an actual physical ailment. So there, to everyone who has called me lazy. So. There!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

winter blues

Doing good even thru the artic freeze we all felt. Apparently all 50 states had freezing temps one day. The cold makes me ache and hurt. I have to move real slow. I want to sleep a lot. but thats normal. I hope everyone stays safe and warm!