Today my hands feel like thick, stuffed sausages with pain. Some
researchers think fibro is in the hands and feet. That there are more blood
vessels and pain receptors in the hands and feet than people without fibro.
(There is also proof that fibro is a blood flow problem in the brain. I wonder
if they are connected or different kinds of fibro).
The shunts act like a radiator in a car, Rice said, shutting down in warm conditions to radiate heat and opening up when it gets cold. The increased activity of the fibers in cold weather explains why fibromyalgia sufferers experience more pain during chilly times.
The extremities also act as reservoirs, storing blood for when the body needs it, such as during exercise. So, problems with blood vessels in the hands also interfere with blood flow throughout the body, Rice said, perhaps explaining why fibromyalgia patients feel pain in various muscle groups. A decrease in blood flow from the hands may also trigger fatigue.”
My hands are feeling better. I added several more hours of sleep in a warm bed and I feel better. Despite sleeping all night, I slept hours this morning. I wonder if sleep is a help to other people with fibro as much as it is with me. My guess is yes since we all have fatigue. But I can sleep even without the fatigue. When I get cold I get in my bed and get warm and sleep. So a theory is that fibro is in the blood flow of the hands & feet. Maybe once I get my hands and feet warm I relax and sleep. Or the blood flow is directed “wrong” and I get tired and sleep.
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