Friday, July 8, 2016

Contrary to what the nurse said, the Doctor told me there was no medicine to help with nightmares. He did give me something to help me sleep, but I had problems. 

1) it didn't get me to sleep
2) it kept me in the nightmare which was a nightmare!
3) it kept me asleep in the mornings (hard to wake up) Mom said I was like an ole cat with her tail stuck in the door. Yeah, I didn't want to wake up at all

I am taking extra probiotics so the bad old coffee taste in my mouth is less, and more magnesium to help with IBS but  yea for antibiotics. =P

I found an article that I want everyone to read. Please. 

This is my second husband.

It is as if someone were videotaping our lives

and quoting him as an example

at every point!

I hate that I gave him the power to destroy me, my children, my extended family, my life and my reputation. 

Quite frankly I almost physically died because of his destructive ways.

I only wish I had seen it sooner!

I still pray people will see the truth. (But I'm not holding my breath.)

20 Diversion Tactics Highly Manipulative Narcissists, Sociopaths And Psychopaths Use To Silence You

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