Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Boo is a super wonderful service dog

This is my service dog, Boo. He is a Psychiatric  Service Dog that helps me with my PTSD, Social Anxiety and Depression. He goes everywhere but class with me. So long as I get to class ahead of time and I am not in the halls when everyone else is, and I can sit in the front and pretend no one else is there, I do okay. But for places that are not a controlled environment like a store, I need Boo's presence. He has really saved my life and he keeps me moving with fetch even when I feel bad....maybe that's especially when I feel bad.


  1. I've enjoyed reading several of your blogs. I can't tell which one is for the assignment. Please indicate in the blog if it's your first, second, third and so on blog for your class assignment.
