Sunday, November 16, 2014

Getting worse to get better?

Readers know that long before I moved I went to the doctor about a sinus infection. The doctor said he didn't see anything and wouldn't Rx me anything.
Well, my nose was swollen closed then and since and until the doctor I see now gave me antibiotics I hadn't smelled anything. So my first time smelling in years was an odd sensation.
Anyway, now I'm on my third and last round of antibiotics unless I see the doctor. Who knows what will be the result of 3xs not working completely, but it has worked a lot.
I can breath/smell thru my nose some of the time.
The pain in my face is not as much, but by a little(I still have broken teeth and exposed nerve, so there is that).
I have been in bed sick with each round of antibiotics, feeling worse than I did before I took anything. I feel like I am in the middle of having a sever case of the flu.
Funny how I felt that way often during the summer...
Anyway each round of antibiotics the "flu" feelings were less (except for a while today when this time I threw up).
I have a few sores that have come up crusty topped and when I'm on antibiotics they are bigger and worse. Between antibiotics they almost disappear.
So I go looking up my symptoms and get Herxheimer Reaction.
I've always said I never wanted to do a detox because I never wanted to go through some of the things I know it would bring out (like 2nd degree sunburn, sun poisoning or when I spilled bug repellent oil all over my arm or the bronchitis/penumbra episodes I've had, ect.) but apparently I have inadvertently had a slight detox the last few weeks.
No wonder I have been telling people to just shoot me. =P

Thursday, November 6, 2014

What causes Fibro? 
They think its a genetic marker that sometimes is set off by trauma or illness. 
Trauma is the trigger
There are 3 major theories that I can find about what Fibro is: 
1) Inflammation
2) too many nerves in the hands and feet firing pain signals
3) brain damage (too much blood flow in pain receptors, too little flow in pain stoppers and as a bonus the cover of the brain is deteriorated so that causes fog and fatigue.
They know these 3 things happen, but no idea which if any are the cause and which are the results.
Or door #4 and none are the cause and all are the symptoms of something they haven't found yet.
Fibro cant be cured. Period.
Try to have a good wait, excellent healthy diet! That and voiding triggers is the best prevention of flares. 
There are treatments for symptoms but no cure. The doctors are just now starting to believe it exists and starting to research what might cause it, which remains unknown so far.
Oh and vitamins and supplements and such are a must! Vitamin D3 & Melatonian for better sleep. Catnip tea also helps with sleep. So does Valerian Root. 
Peppermint for brain clarity,
vitamin E for cramps & spasms.
The aloe plant (in capsules, not aloe juice) really helps.
Vitamin C and garlic gel caps to keep you from catching sick.
Avoid caffeine, soda drinks and coffee, because they make pain worse.
So does processed foods.
Avoid smoking because its been proven to cause depression and increase pain levels.
Eat fresh fruit and veggies. Eat cabbage raw (slaw) every day.
Sometimes exercise helps, sometimes it makes it worse. Sometimes you have to just stretch and let it go at that.
Hot baths or showers help some people, while ice packs help others.
Avoid refined sugar.
Avoid gluten to see if that is a problem.
Avoid overdoing it.
Get a good counselor.
Get a good support system/friends & family. Educate you and them on what Fibro really is and how it effects you.
Use EVOO not crisco, lard or vegetable oil. Use sparingly. Eat raw veggies often as possible.
And drink lots of water! Pure fresh water, not water from the tap with chemicals added. Just not over the recommended limit.
Drink extra water after chiro!
Avoid like the plague aspartame and saccharine! AVOID

Creatine helps my muscles not be sore.