Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dropping Classes

On my way to class today I went by and dropped the 2 Public Relations classes. I could cry. I wish I could do all that I want to do. It's not just the pain and fatigue that slowly kills me, but it's loosing chances and not being able to do what I want to do. What normal people do. *sigh*


  1. I'm so sorry! I have the similar disappointment with vertigo. I can't do anything because I can't get around. Like fibro people can't see my problem and I know they write us off.

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  3. It's so hard to know that you could do something and have a great life if this one thing wasn't there.

  4. I'm so sorry! I am right there with you. I finally decided to try to go back to school this semester. I was taking a full load the spring that I got dx'ed with Fibro and had to drop 1 just to maintain the other 2 (only managed 2 because one was intro to drawing, which pretty much meant show up and do the projects at all and get an A). I signed up for just one class this fall thinking that I'd ease my way back in. I really thought I was back to a point where I could maybe even do a full load. I might could have had I not taken this writing job at at the same time. There's no way I could handle even one more class on top of my schedule right now. I feel like I'm juggling so much.

    The good news is that there is much you can do and learn on your own. I've been working on this same degree for over 20 years and it's only because I keep getting sidetracked with wonderful opportunities to do things I really enjoy and that make me money! I hope you can find some things like that for yourself, because we can't let Fibro take everything away.
