Thursday, September 12, 2013

Meds, meds and more meds….


Meds, meds and more meds…. That’s another thing I hate about this life with Fibro; taking medicine. And I mean lots of meds to try to control the pain, fatigue and everything else that comes with Fibro.

One is making sure you take everything when you are supposed. Some meds may be daily, 2 daily or more. Then there is twice daily and the ever confusing 3 times a day.

Second there is how to remember when and how to take the meds. Take with food or not? At meal times or 8 hours apart or when? And once you know when, how do you remember when Fibro causes you to sleep/nap odd times, and be awake all night or not remember to eat.

Third there is when medicines stop working you have to get a new medicine and a new schedule. And then integrate that medicine into the schedule you may have only worked out last month or last week.

That is when you realize a medicine isn’t working, sometimes you don’t, sometimes the doc tells you the reason you are feeling XYZ symptoms is because your body has adjusted to a medicine.

Having a large number of medicines can cause this adjustment happen regularly through the meds you take so that you are never really getting the full benefit of the medicines.

I hate medicine, but I need them and I am relieved that I finally have them. But a magic wand would be so much more simple.

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